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Jesus the Snake – Black Acid, Pink Rain (2019) (New Full Album)

💥 Almost 13K views in 5 days 💥
Black Acid, Pink Rain is on YouTube at Stoned Meadow Of Doom Channel !
We are glad that we are part of SMOD Nation family!
Thank you for all the love you shared with us ❤️
Soon we will have CDs, Vinyls and new shirts.
You can listen Black Acid, Pink Rain also at Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Apple Music and so on …
August 8th we will be at SonicBlast Moledo and we will do a very special gig with a couple of friends 🌅
Ride the snake

Portrait by our brother RABONicolas Rabot forMore Fuzz at Hard Club 🐍


WWW.EMPUJE.NET: Jesus & The Snake. Filomatic (A Cruña) 2018.













Rubém Novo con Jesus & The Snake.

A mañá despois do seu concerto con Dagla é Holy Mushroom na Sala Filomatic de A Cruña. Unha noite de refuxiados musicais no cuartel xeral de

Alghuna maña do 2018.

(Jesus & The Snake non lembraba ista foto)