Por fin ha llegado el día!
Nos llena de orgullo y satisfacción poder compartir con vosotros el adelanto de nuestro nuevo disco THE PLAGUE.
Boundless Human Stupidity será la tercera canción del disco que saldrá en Enero de 2018.
Esperamos que os guste tanto o más de lo que nos gusta a nosotros ya que hemos puesto todo nuestro esfuerzo e ilusión en ello, es el resultado de muchas horas de trabajo y ensayos y por fin podemos compartirlo.
Muchas a gracias a todos los que habeis creído en nosotros.
STRIKEBACK – Boundless Human Stupidity (B.H.S) [OFFICIAL SINGLE]
Single from the new Strikeback record: The Plague Album release: 10th January, 2018
Adelanto del nuevo disco de Strikeback: The Plague Lanzamiento: 10 de Enero de 2018
Lyrics: A snake biting his tail Repeats the story We all know how it ends ‘Til you bring me down Then take a look around Absurd perspective What the hell’s going on? I´m trying to understand, this shit looks foolish I can’t realize Because of your Fucking submission You’re locked in oppressive vaults Wasting all your life You have to recognize YOUR USELESS EXISTENCE! Stop making nonsense Don’t you fuck around Regrets for what? It’s my conviction Don’t change my mind B.H.S! Boundless Human Stupidity B.H.S! Boundless Human Stupidity
Finally the day has come!
It´s a pleasure to be able to share with you the first single of our new album THE PLAGUE.
Boundless Human Stupidity (B.H.S) will be the third song of our new album which we´ll release in January, 2018.
We hope you like it as much or more than we do, we´ve put all our effort and enthusiasm into it and it is the result of many hours of work and rehersals and finally we can share it!
Many thanks to all who have believed in us.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strikebackme…
Twitter: @Strikebackmetal
Instagram: @Strikebackthrash
Website: www.strikebackmetal.es