ITALIAN PUNK HARDCORE 1980-1989 | Il Film | The Movie [COMPLETE]
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Indice/Index: 00:01:46
Le origini/The Beginning 00:10:05
Le città e i centri nevralgici/The Cities and the Hot Spots 00:21:55
Le band/Bands 00:41:48
L’autoproduzione e le etichette indipendenti/The D.I.Y. and Indipendent Labels 00:53:35
Le fanzine e il passaparola antagonista/The Fanzines and the Antagonist Word of Mouth 01:05:00
Il rapporto conflittuale tra punk e stampa/Controversy with the Press 01:09:28
I concerti/Gigs 01:40:40
Le droghe/Drugs 01:47:36
L’apice e il declino/Climax and Decline 01:47:36